My friends, be patient until the Lord returns. James 5:7
Is there anything more difficult to cultivate in our lives than patience? We're impatient with slow drivers when we are already late for a meeting. We're impatient with our spouse for not meeting our expectations. We're impatient when our children are getting ready for school. Honestly, we can be impatient with just about anything.
I recently came to the realization that impatience and anger are closely related like a light bulb is connected with electricity - the one cannot function without the other. Think back when you felt impatient because someone was making you late. You were angry with them for disrupting your schedule.
The reality is we struggle with patience because we are selfish. We think the world revolves around us. We want people to yield to OUR plans and OUR timelines. Impatience is just a symptom of a larger problem; it's one of the manifestations of anger. When we are impatient with people or circumstances in our lives - the root is always anger.
The only way to conquer our impatience/anger is to allow the Holy Spirit complete control in our lives. "But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives he will produce this kind of fruit in us" love, joy. peace, patience, kindness goodness, faithfulness." Galatians 5