"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." Galatians 6:7
One of the things I enjoy about God's Word it does not hide men's faults, character flaws, and even their sins. Case in point. In Genesis 27, the Bible tells of Jacob, a man who was known for his deceit. His name actually means liar, cheat, and deceiver. You can read of his many acts in the book of Genesis. His most notable deceit was when he deceived his father into bestowing the firstborn birthright that belonged to his older brother.
Fast forward a number of years and we find Jacob working for his Uncle Laban in a distant land. Jacob falls in love with Laban's beautiful daughter, Rachel. Jacob agrees to work for seven years for her hand in marriage. After seven years, Laban throws a huge party for Jacob. But instead of giving Rachel to Jacob, he deceives him by bringing Rachel's homely sister, Leah, to his tent by the cover of darkness. Jacob consummated the marriage but in the morning, SURPRISE!! "When morning came, there was Leah! ..." Genesis 29:25
The deceiver gets deceived! But what is amazing is how God used this drama of deceit. Leah was unwanted and unloved. Genesis 29:31 Jacob hated Leah through no fault of her own. But the Lord saw that and he blessed Leah. Leah's fourth son, Judah, is the one who was chosen by God to be part of Christ’s lineage.