In our world today, there are myriad opinions concerning the person of Jesus Christ. Some say that there is no historical evidence that He even existed. Others acknowledge Him as a great moral teacher. Still, others think of Him as the greatest charlatan of all, deceiving millions of people. Allow me to share the three major categories of public opinion.
Liar. Some would say that He knew He was not the Son of God, so when He proclaimed He was divine. John 10:31 He was just lying. But consider all that the disciples (except John) died a martyr's death. They would not have suffered such a death for a lie.
Lunatic. Others believe He was delusional, just believing He was divine, the way a man in an asylum believes himself to be Napolean. But a delusional man cannot be a great moral teacher. John 14:6
Lord. The only viable option is He told the truth and He is Lord. The one evidence that Christ's critics have trouble explaining away is the conversion of millions of Christ-followers. Addicts miraculously healed. People instantly healed by accepting Christ as Lord. Morally corrupt people changed by placing their faith in Jesus Christ.