"...after you have suffered a little while, will himself [Jesus Christ] restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." 1 Peter 5:10
Recently, I started watching Matt's Off-road Recovery on Facebook. I enjoy watching the team rescue people from their dire circumstances. Most of these "recoveries' ' are often a result of people driving off road and got themselves in situations where they needed 'recovery.'
As an amateur observer of human nature, I immediately saw the similarity of people helplessly "stuck" in their vehicles and the circumstances people find themselves "stuck" in life.
People in the pursuit of a thrill, often put themselves in danger. Skydiving. Rock climbing. Running with the bulls. Motor cross. In this instance, off-roading. In every case, they deliberately choose that environment, until they find themselves helpless.
In life, people look to escape the humdrum of life by delving in drugs or an affair. You may try alcohol to overcome your situation. You may buy a bigger house, fancier cars, and buy up-to-date fashion, only to find no fulfillment.
No one ever planned to become addicted. No one planned that one night stand would result in divorce. Sin will take you further than you planned to go. Sin will cost you more than you expected. Sin never fulfills it's promise. No one plans to get "stuck" in life.
Many people often find they do not have the power to remove themselves from their situation; they're stuck. They need someone who has the know-how and power to recover them. While some look into different recovery programs, there is only one 100% guaranteed recovery; Jesus Christ.
"This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 That's the ultimate recovery. A new life. A new beginning.