"It is bad for those who call what is sinful good, and good sinful..." Isaiah 5:20
We are living in an upside/down world. What was once called evil is now acceptable and even celebrated. Years ago, if you were unfaithful to your spouse, you had to keep it a secret. If you were discovered, people would shun you. What was formerly called a "sin", was changed to an "affair."
America has fallen down the slippery slide of immorality. There is no standard for moral behavior. Like the rebellious nation of ancient Israel, everyone did what was right in their own eyes. Judges 17:6 Truth is relative; what is wrong for you can be alright for me. There is no absolute truth. That philosophy is not only wrong, but it can be dangerous. Chaos results when there are no boundaries.
This week I saw a news clip of looters, looting a Home Depot in broad daylight. No one attempted to stop them because corporate said they could not interfere. They are afraid of lawsuits brought by the thieves if they are injured.
Of course, the big question is what do we use as our standard? As a Christ-follower, I believe there are principles (standards) for every aspect of life found in God's Word. How leaders should govern. How justice should be administered. How marriages should function. How the disenfranchised should be carried for.
How does that apply to our lives? We only have two choices when it comes to living our lives. 1) We can follow our 'natural' desires and inclinations. We do not give much thought to how we should live; we just do what is right in our OWN life. You don't have any standard to guide you. OR 2) We can choose some standard or guidelines to direct our lives. 2 Timothy 3:16 How you feel doesn't enter the picture. You do want is right no matter how you feel. "Direct my footsteps according to your word;..." Psalm 119:133
Life is a matter of daily choices. Do what you want (and live with the consequences) or live by God's unchangeable standards.