One of my favorite Christmas songs is Mary did know. Great song! What goes through the mind of every new mother? As Mary looked into the face of Jesus, somehow, she knew she was holding God. She remembered the words of the angel; His kingdom will never end.
He didn't look like a king in that manure-filled birthing room. "Majesty in the mundane. Holiness in the filth of sheep manure and sweat." [Max Lucado] Divinity entered the world in the presence of a teenager and carpenter. His name was Emmanuel, "God with us."
The angels gave Mary just a brief announcement of Who this child would become. I'm sure she couldn't comprehend all that it meant. Luke 2:9 tells us after the shepherds left the Nativity scene, Mary "pondered all these in her heart." I would imagine as she watched Jesus growing up, she continued to wonder who He would become.
As Christmas approaches, what do you see? The Hallmark version of the 'King'? The most important question to ask yourself is, do you know Him as YOUR king?